“Fuzzy has gone to dog heaven, he was in my lap eating dried liver chips when the anesthesia kicked in. He had a big melanoma in his jaw, we did auto immune treatments but rejected radiation and surgery for pain and no firm guarantees of extended life time. JoAnn we loved him so much and thank you again for finding him for us.
We still have Bunny, high maintenance with special allergy vet treatments etc. She’s almost totally deaf. Two trainers and various gadgets never solved her exasperating barking. But by default she’s now top dog and always lovable. Thank you for her- and for all you do for so many dogs.”
Fuzzy’s parents took such excellent care of him. We know there will be a huge void in their hearts and home. We are sending our loving thoughts and prayers. Fuzzy will always remain in their loving thoughts and prayers until they meet again at Rainbow Bridge 🌈