“Good morning JoAnn,
Im sure you are busy saving lives of both dogs and humans
We have hit the 3-1/2 month mark and we could not be more in love with Colby. She is fully housebroken at this time, she has a routine she can depend on, she loves to learn and make us happy. She has given our senior dog comfort when we are not home and she has gone nose to nose with our cat in affection. Every ounce of her is love and we thank you every day for saving her. I wish everyone the same joy and love that Colby brings us. God bless all the work you do. Your an angel, not only for dogs but for people who also need to be rescued.”
🐾💕Special “Thank You” to Jennifer Kelly-strzepka and Steven Strzepka for their love, patience and understanding for Colby AKA Bobbie. She was a tough little cookie to train🐾💕
Destiny for Dogs is wishing Colby, her mom, dad and fur siblings continued “Happy Days Ahead!”