“Dear JoAnn, Mommie has been trying to esplane to me that if I want Santa to come, I has to be a good boy. Mommie says I barks just a little 2 much, add spechly when she’s on the phone. Here we are talking about me wanting Santa to bring me and Fletch a new bed for Twistmas! Mommie says we has to behasve. We ❤🎅an U and missed u 2. Your bestest boy! Joey, I wheely does tries to be goods. ☃️””
Background: Joey was rescued from PBCACC five years ago. He has a bite history, plus was diagnosed by Dr. Radosta as being autistic and will remain on anti-psycho medicine the rest of his life. Joey’s mom has worked wonders … this is what love can do 💗
Many thanks to Destiny’s amazing fosters Nicole, Colleen, Terry for your love and patience.
Joey was adopted to a wonderful lady prior to his current mommie however she passed away. After losing Joey’s beloved mom, things looked bleak until his last foster mom, Barbara worked her magic to get him where he needed to be to start another new life with his extraordinary mom.
“It takes a village.”
Wishing all Joey “Bag o Donut” Lovers, a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season🐾💕